* Frequently asked questions *
0. Who are we?
We are a Non-Profit Organization with Doctors & Future Doctorsfrom more than 137 different countries,
from ANY POINT on the World's map!
in our pages you can find:
Active discussions/Clinical cases,
Hundreds of Pictures for diseases,medical students,hospitals,
clinics, universities and much more!
more than 100 Medical videos,
The most important next medical conferences
Free Medical books & many other links!
1. Who can join our Group and Fans Page?
This group was made ONLY for Doctors & Future Doctorsas the name says.
And if i am not a Doctor/Future Doctor
but i am still in the Medical Field?
For the other Medical professions we made these pages
that you can join instead:
Nurses Physiotherapists Pharmacists Veterinarians Biology Biotechnolog
And if i am a normal member?
We are sorry but you can not join us,For normal members and for patients that need help we opened a
virtual Hospital Doctors & Future Doctors Hospital
You can join it and if you have any health problem read our Rules
and we will be happy to help you as much as we can.
2. I have just joined your group 1 minute ago and now?
Tell us something about you, Click here
I am a German Surgeon, any useful pages to advice?
where you can find medical news in your own language
If you are looking for the last updtaes in Surgery
We advice you to join the Surgery Page.
What about the other countries?
We made a page for all the active countries in our group,
You just have to choose your country:
Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Finland France
Greece Hungary.
For the rest please Download our Toolbar or Click here.
And the other specialities?
Anesthesiology Dentistry Pediatrics Internal Medicine
For the rest please Download our Toolbar or click Here
After that you can do many things like:
A. sharing your medical pictures with us by clicking here
B. You can add videos
C. Add links by posting them on the group's wall
D. See our events Calender
E. For sure you can see our large discussions board
Feel free to open new discussion ;)
Thank you for joining us
hope that you will enjoy your time with us :)
3. What about the rules?
By joining our Group you acknowledge that the rules
are a guideline – Administrators can block you for any
reason if they feel that it is to the benefit of the site.
Below are our rules:
- Only Doctors & Future Doctors
- No swearing whatsoever
- Follow staff requests
- Do not flood
- No advertising*
- Do not give abuse to anyone
- Speak English
- our groups/pages are moderated strictly for your own safety.
We advise that any disputes with admins are to be taken to
private message and not displayed on the wall.
- The examples shown are not exhaustive.
members may be removed from our groups for any act or statement
which we judge to be contrary to the good running of our community,
or the image that we wish to portray.
- Doctors & Future Doctors From All Over Th World! Team reserves the
right to remove anyone without notification and/or reason.
This service is a privilege, not a right and we together with all
our staff have the right to remove that privilege.
- Anyone found misrepresenting themselves, i.e. lying about their age,
gender,using fake profiles etc, will be subject to a ban or block.
For this reason, if you see that your profile was stolen and that the
one that took it used it in a bad way please let us know.
- Doctors & Future Doctors From All Over The World! operates a strict
‘no dirty request’ policy in all our groups/pages. If you are found to
be making requests of a sexual nature in any group, you will face a
ban from the group in question.
Finally, we ask that you treat other users and all staff with respect
it’s not asking much, we would like everyone to enjoy their
experience on the service and you, as an individual,
can help achieve that by simpl following the guidelines for the
service and the groups/pages you use.
Thank you, and enjoy your staying!
* If you wish to make an advertisement, please inform a
moderator or administrator before doing so for the first time.
You are not permitted to do it unless you obtain permission.
4. How can i invite the doctors that i know to this Group?
Its very simple, Follow these steps:
A. join our Group Click here
B. Click here
C. Select all the Doctors/Future Doctors That you have in your list
D. Press on "Send Invitationes".
5. How can i invite them to the Fans page?
You Just need to:
A. Click on the left side of our Page on Suggest to friends
B. Choose the Doctors/Future Doctors that you know
C. Press on "Send Invitationes".
6. I have some suggestions, where can i write them?
Click here or email us to Docs@Live.It.
7. How can i add the admins to my friends list?
Click on the following Pictures:
We will be happy to have you in our friends list
So don't hesitate to add us ;)
8. I keep hearing about your Toolbar, what is it?
and where can i download it?
If you didnt download it yet,we advice you to do it.
you ask yourself why right?
i will explain you some reasons:
In our toolbar you can find:
1. Medical news updated 24/24 h a day from 6
of the best medical sites in the world!.
2. 3 different medical dictionaries.
3. Useful links for facebook medical groups.
4. links for online Anatomy site,emergency medicine articles,radiology
5. YourTotalHealth application (download the toolbar and u will
understand what i am talking about :P ).
6. Health Precautions.
7. A cool application for understanding medical tests results.
8. The weather situation in your zone.
9. Email Notify serivce where you can connect your own email.
10. All the links for our group.
(we made it very very simple,like that also new facebook users can do
all the commands without problems).
11. We didnt think only about medicine sites so we added also TV button radio and something for facebook .
and many other features.
So what are you waiting for??
Go to http://worldoctors.ourtoolbar.com/
click on free download and download it
Dont forget to tell us what you think about it.
Thank you so much,
Hope to be able always just to help you as much as we can ;)
9. How can i become an Officer?
To become an officer:
1. You must have NEVER asked it from one of the adimns before.
2. Its better if you are old member,
that means that you are in our group since long time,
You know many users inside,know how things go inside.
3. You should have done something for the group like adding pictures
As example,opening or participating in discussions,
adding medical links and inviting all your medical friends!!
4. every while we make competitions and we add new officers,
these competitions can be a good opportunity
for you to become one of our team.
P.S. any Officer can also be deleted after
being inactive for long time.
10. Can i get your news by email?
You just have to click here in order to Get updates with
The free Doctors & Future Doctors Email Newsletter!
11. How can i be the Official representative of my country in our Organization?
Click here for more information.
12. You Can't find the question that you have in your mind?
Please contact us Press Here, or email us to Docs@Live.It.
Hi i'm student of computer science and i'm making a project about Lung Cancer, i try to recognize carcinoma in TAC i finished the application and it works. I need a specialist or someone knows about the topic to certificate my results.